Sunday, July 24, 2022

Days 164-168. July 20-24

We left Harrisville and stayed at Presquale the next day which was 54 miles. Water was smooth today and still beautiful. On the 22nd we traveled to Macinac city for 77 miles. Staying here for several days as we leave for Nashville on Thursday. We are enjoying touring Macinaw Island. The island has such colorful flowers everywhere.
Pictures on the island
Grand hotel
Of course I had to take this pic even though it’s not a relative of mine
The arch
Macinac Island has the famous Grand Hotel.There are only bikes and horses allowed on the island. The horse drawn carriages are plentiful. The island is open from April to Oct 31. Going to a nice restaurant for our 46th anniversary tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary!!
